The Longest Operating Dance Studio in Watertown, NY serving students ages 2+ in all styles of dance.

Health and Safety Protocols
We strive to maintain a safe environment for our students and their families.
What is the health & safety protocol at our studio?
We will continue to thoroughly sanitize the premises, as we have in the past, to give our dancers a clean environment to dance in.
All employees will monitor their temperature and wash their hands upon entering the studio. If they feel ill, they will be asked to stay home. Employees may wear masks and/or practice social distancing while at the studio. Following each class, employees will sanitize the rooms (including door handles, the barre, etc.), wash their hands and open the door for the next class to enter.
All dancers will monitor their temperature and wash their hands upon entering the studio. If they feel ill, they will be asked to stay home. Dancers will be supervised by a parent or guardian until they enter the dance studio and when in common areas. Dancers will exit the studio with an approved parent or guardian. Dancers may wear masks and/or practice social distancing while at the studio. Upon entering the building, dancers will remove street shoes, put on dance shoes, sanitize their hands, and go directly to class. Dancers should bring their own water bottle. Any water bottles left at the studio will be thrown away at the end of the night. Please send your dancer to class in the appropriate dance attire. Dancers will have their own spots for their belongings.
We ask families to please limit the amount of non dancers in the studio to give ample room for social distancing. There is a strict no food or drink (other than water) policy. We ask that families clean up any messes that happen. Please pick up your dancer promptly at the end of class so that we can prepare for the next class. Dancers and their families will be supervised by a parent or guardian until they enter the dance studio and when in common areas.
What about masks?
Masks are recommended for all unvaccinated individuals that enter our studio. Mask wearing at the studio and during dance classes is at the discretion of the dancer's family. When attending dance classes, you accept the risk of airborne illness. Please do what you feel comfortable with for your family.
What if my dancer isn’t feeling well?
If a dancer or family member feels ill; if anyone has a family member who is immunocompromised; if anyone is living or interacting with elderly people on a regular basis; or if you just do not feel comfortable yet, please stay home. Please call the studio at 315-785-0438 to let your instructor know.
Vacations & Inclement Weather Policy
We typically follow the public school schedule for vacations and snow days. Our season runs from September to mid-June, ending with our year-end performance. Dates where we are closed for holidays are always posted in the studio and on social media; please remember to read these notices so that you are informed. Other important information will also be posted on the website and in newsletter.
When weather conditions deem it necessary, we may cancel classes and/or close the studio. Cancellations are announced on local radio and TV stations and all our social media platforms, so please check them if inclement weather occurs. We will also try to contact you ahead of time. Please make sure we have correct telephone numbers and email addresses on the registration form so that we can get in touch with you should the need arise.
-Dance World Staff
*Subject to change per New York State government guidance.