The Longest Operating Dance Studio in Watertown, NY serving students ages 2+ in all styles of dance.

Class Fees & Policies
No Registration Fees Ever!
Discounts available for military families and families with more than one dancer.
Prices subject to change.
Monthly Tuition Payment- $40-$45 (10 payments)
Adding a 2nd class or a 2nd dancer? Plus $35-39 a month
Monthly Military Discount- $36-40 (10 payments)
Paid on the 1st of the month. $10 late fee added if paid after the 15th.
Full Yearly Season Tuition Payment- $360 (1 payment)
Full Yearly Season Payment for our Military Service Members- $325 (1 payment)
Paid on the 1st of Sept. $10 late fee added if paid after the 15th. Savings of $40
Private lesson fees are per teacher's discretion.
Other fees:
Dance shoes: $20-35 per pair
Dance Attire/Tights: $15-25 per item
Costume fees: Each class only orders one costume in January which may cost around $50-70.
Please contact Heather Miner for Showstoppers Dance Team pricing information.
Please make all checks payable to Dance World. We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover Credit Cards.
Making payments at the studio:
On some days, there will be no one to take your payment, however, a brown locked drop box is located on the desk in the office. Take an envelope and write your child's name on it and place it in the box. Your account will be credited when the box is emptied. Also, if you wish you may fill out the envelope and hand it directly to the instructor and your account will be credited when the instructor is finished with the day.
Some important payment information:
1. Monthly payments are due on the 1st of the month. A $10.00 late fee will be charged after the 15th of the month. If you do not pay your monthly fees, you may be asked not to bring your child to classes until the issue is resolved.
2. There is a $35.00 fee for returned checks. We insist upon cash or credit for payment to clear your returned check. After 2 returned checks, we will require cash or credit card with every monthly payment.
3. Fees for private and semi-private lessons are to be arranged with the instructor. Please let the instructor know if the student will not be attending the private class, otherwise you will be charged for the class missed.
4. Refunds and credits are not given for missed classes. You may make up the class on another day. Please notify the studio if your child will be absent for an extended period of time due to illness or family emergency.
Invite a Friend Program
Please help us tell the public about our fabulous dance studio. At the Fall Registration in September, you can find "Invite a Friend" coupons that can get you $5.00 off your next tuition bill. Just fill in the top of your coupon with your name and give it to an interested friend or family member who hasn't tried a class at Dance World before. When your friend or family member signs up for a class and we recieve your coupon from them, you will be credited the $5.00 towards the next month's tuition.